Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On the eve of day 1 of training - Part 2

So today was quite the interesting day. Lindsay and I had breakfast downstairs, and then set out on our adventure. We took the hotel shuttle to the airport, and caught the MARTA train. Our goal was to find a Target or Wal-Mart so that we could get some stuff to put in our refrigerators, and not have to spend a ton of money eating out (not that there is a lot of options for that around here). We decided that we would take the train all the way to the other end of the line and see what we could see between here and there. We made it to the 3rd to the last stop and got off when they said there was a mall there, and yes there was a mall there, but it was one of those malls that people with a lot of disposable incomes shop at - Bloomingdales, Nordstoms, etc.... NOT a Wal-mart or Target in sight. So we got back on the train and headed for the final stop - we got off and still could see nothing so I approached a police officer to ask where the nearest Target or Wal-mart was and he said back at the previous stop then to the left like 2 stop lights down. We were exstatic, so off we went back to the last stop, we exited the train - and then we walked and walked and walked - more like 6 lights later we found Target. We went in, and ate some Pizza Hut pasta for lunch and then did our shopping. during which time it decided to start raining (oh joy). It let up and we headed back towards the MARTA train, we saw a direction sign for a MARTA station long before we got to where we had gotten off, so we turned and headed that way which brought us back to the stop we had gotten off the 1st time. Ughh! We rode the train back to the airport and got back on the shuttle.
We returned to the hotel just in time to go to our hotel rooms and change clothes for the ASA meet and greet. We went outside to grab the hotel shuttle to the ASA building, and there was an ASA van in front of the hotel, so Lindsay approached the van and asked if they were going to the ASA building and they said yes and asked if we would like a ride and we said yes. Turned out that it wasn't a shuttle, it was 2 of the managers of the Safety Department of ASA - super cool! The one guy gave us his card and offered his assistance with getting around - even invited us to hang out with him and his wife (kinda odd but nice) and once we got to the ASA building they gave us a tour of the hangar and showed us a couple of the planes we will be working on - it was pretty awesome!! They took us up to the in-flight floor and passed us off to one of the ladies who works in the in-flight area, she took us up to the training floor, where the meet and greet was. We met a few of the instructors, and some of our fellow students. We had some snacks, shook some hands, did some introductions, got a short tour and then back to the hotel to start our final push for getting the boarding announcement down. I learned that I am not the only one totally freaked out about this!! Lindsay and I hung out in my room practicing and I went TOTALLY BLANK!! Oh my god, that only made my fear worse, we both made our mistakes and were super stressed so we went for a walk and practiced while walking, that seemed to be ok, but I still just don't know. I am trying to think positive - but only time will tell........
It's definitely time to get some rest because tomorrow is going to come really early, so I will post tomorrow after the big test!!
Wish me luck, and send some prayers!!

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